- Ned Lane, Tyersal Gate, BD4 0EQ
- Open 24 hours a day, all year round
- Cycle route
- Horse route
- River
- Walking routes
Ned Lane, Tyersal Gate, BD4 0EQ
what3word location: https://what3words.com/folds.jets.means
Quick description
Home to stunning ancient woodlands, it’s the perfect spot for outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and birdwatching.
What’s there?
Covering a significant expanse of land, Black Carr Woods is an ideal spot for exploration. With Tyersal Beck running along the top of the woods, slicing the area in two and connecting to the Pudsey Beck downstream, the stunning feature results in an array of colourful flora to admire and many trails to take to enjoy the scenery.
Walking and cycle routes
In addition to the variety of walking paths, Black Carr Wood also offers many biking trails with different levels of difficulty. Some are quite challenging, featuring technical turns and jumps, while others are less intense and more curvy. Be careful when biking on these trails!
Natural history
Black Carr Wood is considered one of the finest ancient woodlands in West Yorkshire as its sessile oak is unsullied by invasive species, though this can make it rather a monoculture. It is rich in wildflowers, woodpeckers and other birds. Oak was coppiced here, along with hazel and alder nearer the streams. Black Carr is a treasure to explore, paths dropping into the top of its stunning oak woods. – Goddard, C. (2021). The West Yorkshire Woods. Gritstone Publishing Company