Cliffe Castle Bat Walk

Event information
9 August 2024
Cost: Free to attend
Cliffe Castle Museum & Park
Spring Gardens Lane, Keighley, BD20 6LH
Ian Butterfield from YORGreen CIC is our expert and will help us detect the bats.
Bats come out to feed when its dark so that is the best time to see them so that’s when the walk will start. Ian will be bringing his bat detector with him so we can also hear them.
It’s a Friday night so maybe bring along the children for a great exciting experience and let them sleep in on Saturday!
It will be dark you may need a torch, wear sturdy shoes and warm clothes – it gets cold when the sun goes in! AND if you have a bat detector bring it along too.
Its GREAT to connect to nature and I am sure we will also see and hear other wildlife too.
No dogs please. – Nature & Wildlife Walk – Free family friendly
Val Preston
Cliffe Castle Support Group