Apple Day
Event information
15 October 2023
Time: 12 noon - 4pm
Cost: free (but we welcome donations)
Food and drink
Allotments next to Bowling Park
Apple Day is a annual celebration of local organic fruit; growing and eating. The event – in allotments next to Bowling Park – is suitable for families, growers and anyone who wants to enjoy a relaxed afternoon in wildlife-rich space. There will be apples on offer, as well as fresh juice, chutneys, cakes and savoury snacks. (Please bring cash for purchases).
There will be activities for children, celebrating fruit and nature. We can give advice about varieties of apple to grow, and how to look after your trees.
BEES (Bradford Environmental Education Service) have been running Apple Day since 2000. It is held in our community orchard which is in the allotments next to Bowling Park – access is only from the allotment gate on Bowling Park Drive and NOT from the park.