Hello, I’m Andrew and I started in role as Assistant Tree and Woodland Manager in November 2017 following the retirement of Colin Whitfield.
Excitement coursed through my veins when I was offered the job, as I absolutely love trees and woodlands! Managing woodlands in my homeland of Yorkshire means a great deal to me. Previously, I was working for Buglife delivering their ‘Urban Buzz’ project in Leeds and York. Former roles include managing countryside in the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, ecology work in the Australian outback, and numerous ecological surveys in the UK.
There are more than 50 woodlands, covering an area of over 850 hectares, to manage and I am keen to continue the great work already started in collaborating with partners, local people, and the fantastic ‘Friends of’ groups. My role is to contribute to the provision of sustainable, well maintained, and safe woodlands and trees throughout the District. I aim to ensure that woodlands are welcoming for human visitors as well as providing a home for the myriad of associated species. Being new to the area I will be on a steep learning curve but I’m sure this will be an enjoyable experience.
Please get in touch should you have any questions or comments regarding management of trees and woodlands on Bradford Council land. This can be in relation to biodiversity, silviculture, landscape, access and rights of way, Forest School, etc.