New National Nature Reserve in the Bradford District

Natural England and Bradford Council are joining forces to create a new National Nature Reserve in the Bradford District.

This endeavour aims to showcase the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife that grace the region. National Nature Reserves play a crucial role in safeguarding, restoring, and fostering an appreciation for nationally significant biodiversity and geodiversity.

Beyond their conservation importance, these reserves serve as havens for people to connect with nature, deepen their understanding, and contribute to local environmental efforts.

The public are invited to share their views and location preference …

As plans for the new reserve come together, the group are actively seeking public option using a short online survey.

Survey link:

(Deadline to complete survey: 28th February, 2024)


Useful links:

For more information about existing protected wildlife sites in Bradford, visit the “Find Protected Sites in the Bradford District” page:

Natural England has published their National Nature Reserves (NNRs) Selection Principles for those interested in delving deeper into the project details: